Time flies! and I haven't been blogging. Here's a few updates:
1. The Minnesota Genealogical Journal: 41 is ready for mailing this week. It will still be a few days before the contents make it to my on-line catalog, but you can see them at http://www.parkbooks.com/Html/mgj41.html.
2. The Annual Civil War Symposium, sponsored by several Roundtables in the area, will be held at Fort Snelling on April 25. It will feature presentations on Gettysburg, Corinth and the Home Front. Go to http:www.parkbooks.com/Html/2009_Symposium_Notice.pdf for the flyer advertising this event.
3. The Minnesota Genealogical Society will host its spring meeting on April 18, at their offices in South St. Paul. You can find details on their website, at http://mngs.org.
4. On a more personal note: Volume 5 of my series on Claims from the Dakota War of 1862 is at the printers. This has been underway for a llllllooooonnnngggg time! It covers Emergency Aid for the Sufferers, those who requested aid from the state to help them during the War and in the following year as they fled their homes with little or nothing. This should be available in the coming weeks. There are 100 or so pages of specific requests plus another 14 of index, in 3-column format, helping researchers put together detailed information on specific people.
I'm still looking for the personal stories about people who lived in Minnesota during the Dakota War, especially those who were directly affected. Where were your ancestors?
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